VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters
VEC Fat Blocks Melters

VEC Fat Blocks Melters are specifically designed to melt the frozen solid blocks of Veg Fat / Cocoa Mass and cocoa butter. Hot grid placed at top of Jacketed rectangular reservoir. Melting Grid circulated with hot water. Sold fat blocks kept on hot grid , it rapidly melts the fats in to liquid form and stored in jacketed rectangle tank. Also it Maintained molten state with specified temperature. These molten fat liquids are further used to produce chocolate. FBM are with In-built heating system and control panel. Capacities : 200kg, 500kg and 1000kg.
